
Insurance Claim Collaborative Accommodates Customers and Remote Workforce through Managed Security Services


What started as a niche company to bridge two industries (property restoration and flooring) between insurance, Insurance Claims Collaborative has grown into a successful insurance company in Canada. Their goals are to prevent fraud in flooring replacements, prevent insurance companies from paying too much to replace flooring, and help policyholders who are not necessarily getting back what they were entitled to.

ICC has assembled a team of retailers devoted to quoting fairly on floor replacements by sampling and testing it and selling products according to that test result. They have created a stand-out business with little competition.


Back in 2017, everything was going great for ICC, and their business was quickly growing. They were focusing on their products and services for insurance companies. One of ICC’s insurance customers inquired about what data security practices were in place to protect them and requested an interview.

This was ICC’s first time being interviewed about their data security practices, and this insurance customer had high demands and requirements for their cybersecurity needs.

Being a smaller company, ICC wants to keep costs down but prioritizes customer satisfaction first. The company has since hired a security analyst to help with cybersecurity-related needs but would still need a reliable partner to ensure their team was knowledgeable on their cyber infrastructure’s activity. As more of their workforce became remote, cybersecurity became increasingly at the forefront for their business.


ICC turned to Ntirety to help manage their security and servers for the efficiency and safety of their remote workforce and customers. They wanted to ensure their customers and employees had access to the resources they needed. ICC utilizes Ntirety for:

Managed Security Services:

Vulnerability Management: This helps to monitor activity in ICC’s internal network. The ICC team receives an ongoing analysis of their network’s security. The Ntirety Team provides clear, actionable insights and quick remediation of any issues that arise.

Encryption: This implements systematic controls that prohibit unauthorized internal and external users from accessing sensitive data.

(Cloud Enterprise) Cloud E:

These are virtual machine servers. They are used to host ICC’s website and applications which helped them to move servers out of their office and accommodate their growing remote workforce.


Remote work and safely storing customer data was possible with the help of Ntirety’s comprehensive security suite. With all kinds of data specific to one particular insurance company and an influx of new remote employees since the pandemic, they knew data protection needed to be a top priority.

“Ntirety has been really great at servicing our small company,” Gentemann said. “Whenever we have a question or urgent need that warrants a quick response, Ntirety has had the agility to resolve any issues.”

ICC is able to have servers out of their office and stored with Ntirety, making more efficient use of their time and space.
Remote employees can easily access company files from virtually anywhere. With a more widespread workforce, data encryption helped give ICC the peace of mind they needed to continue remote operations. Vulnerability management helped to ensure the right people were accessing the right information at the right time.