
CallingPost Communications Relies on Ntirety as Stable, Reliable MSSP Partner



CallingPost Communications, Inc. was founded in 1995 to provide civic and business organizations with a fast, convenient, secure way to quickly deliver important telephone messages. Over the years their services evolved, and the company currently offers automated calling, texting, and email services to a variety of clients including schools, utilities, churches, sporting teams, and other businesses. CallingPost Communications is invested in developing advanced software and hardware technology to ensure their notification network is dependable, flexible, and secure. They have delivered over 65 million messages with an actual peak one-day delivery of over 2 million messages.

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CallingPost needed a place to host and manage their service. As their business model depends upon the stability and reliability of their infrastructure, at times for life-impacting services such as Message911 (a CallingPost company dedicated to emergency response), they needed a provider that was stable and secure. They also needed an extra-high level of quality. CallingPost was sensitive about maintenance windows when work would be performed, and wanted to ensure their end users (subscribers) were impacted as minimally as possible. Hiring the right Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) was important in order to maintain the integrity of their reputation and their end user data.

When CallingPost came to Ntirety, the two already had an existing and long-standing relationship of close to a decade. CallingPost had worked with Ntirety on a migration project, and Ntirety was providing a dedicated cloud with expansions and upgrades over time. In 2021 CallingPost added security services, and when they reached the point where they needed an MSSP, they engaged Ntirety. CallingPost already trusted Ntirety with their cloud services, and ultimately selected them for security because Ntirety was a known entity that provided excellent service; in other words, a provider they could trust.


CallingPost continues their long relationship with Ntirety, and now uses Ntirety to host, manage, and secure their infrastructure, taking advantage of Ntirety’s comprehensive managed security service offerings. Ntirety provides managed detection and response (MDR), managed firewall, and endpoint protection. The Ntirety-provided infrastructure includes an SQL Server that powers their business and allows CallingPost to provide reliable services to customers around the globe. CallingPost’s business model depends upon the stability and reliability of the infrastructure Ntirety supports. Ntirety continues to keep this infrastructure modernized, and recently upgraded CallingPost to the latest SIEM tools when they became available.


The current solution focuses on stability, reliability, and security while providing CallingPost with sufficient robustness and power. Ntirety offers high levels of performance, and a reduction in the overall number of attacks.

“Ntirety’s managed security services, have reduced the number of attacks Callingpost experiences from over 50 to less than 1,” said Phillip Smith, Operations Senior Engineer at CallingPost.

By using Ntirety’s expertise to host, manage, and secure their infrastructure, Callingpost gains the ability to focus on their product and improve features to remain competitive in the market. From storage to security, CallingPost trusts Ntirety as their MSSP and with their business. As CallingPost continues to grow and require new services, they continue to turn to Ntirety, keeping the longstanding partnership alive.

Managing security and compliance is a strategic, economic imperative that directly impacts business outcomes. Ntirety is the only company that embeds compliant security throughout IT and company culture, protecting enterprises with a comprehensive compliant security solution. With over 25 years of experience and deep security expertise, Ntirety’s three US-based security operations centers (SOCs) simplify risk management programs with a full protection, recovery and assurance suite of services. Learn more about Ntirety’s award-winning and globally-trusted Compliant Security Solutions at

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