How to Align Your Cybersecurity Strategy with the NIST Framework

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is more critical than ever. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and organizations of all sizes must be proactive in protecting their data and systems. Implementing the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is one of the most effective ways to enhance your cybersecurity posture.

What Is the NIST Cybersecurity Framework?

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is a set of guidelines and best practices designed to help organizations manage and reduce cybersecurity risks. Developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), this framework is widely recognized and used by organizations across various industries to improve their cybersecurity defenses.

Key Benefits of the NIST Framework

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: The NIST framework covers all aspects of cybersecurity, from identifying potential risks to responding to and recovering from incidents. This comprehensive approach ensures that no part of your cybersecurity strategy is overlooked.
  2. Customizable to Your Needs: One of the strengths of the NIST framework is its flexibility. It can be tailored to fit the specific needs and resources of your organization, regardless of size or industry.
  3. Alignment with Business Goals: The framework helps align cybersecurity efforts with your organization’s business objectives. This ensures that your cybersecurity strategy supports and enhances your business goals rather than hindering them.
  4. Improved Risk Management: By following the NIST framework, organizations can better identify, assess, and manage cybersecurity risks. This proactive approach helps in prioritizing and addressing the most critical threats.
  5. Enhanced Incident Response: The NIST framework includes guidelines for responding to and recovering from cybersecurity incidents. This ensures your organization is prepared to handle incidents effectively, minimizing damage and reducing recovery time.
  6. Compliance and Best Practices: Implementing the NIST framework can help organizations comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards. It also ensures that you are following cybersecurity best practices recognized globally.

How the NIST Framework Works

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is organized into five core functions:

  1. Identify: Develop an understanding of your environment to manage cybersecurity risk to systems, assets, data, and capabilities.
  2. Protect: Implement appropriate safeguards to ensure the delivery of critical services.
  3. Detect: Develop and implement activities to identify the occurrence of a cybersecurity event.
  4. Respond: Be prepared to act regarding a detected cybersecurity event.
  5. Recover: Maintain plans for resilience and restore any capabilities or services impaired due to a cybersecurity event.

These functions provide a high-level, strategic view of the lifecycle of an organization’s management of cybersecurity risk.

Why Adopt the NIST Framework?

Adopting the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is a strategic move that can significantly strengthen your organization’s cybersecurity posture. It provides a structured approach to managing cybersecurity risks and ensures that your efforts are comprehensive, effective, and aligned with your business goals. By implementing the NIST framework, you can enhance your organization’s resilience against cyber threats and ensure that you are well-prepared to handle incidents that may arise.

How to Align Your Organization with the NIST Framework

Ntirety has developed a self-service, online security assessment to help organizations identify and address cybersecurity gaps and risks. The free assessment consists of 10 questions aligned with the NIST framework, covering the key areas: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover. Upon completion, you’ll receive a comprehensive report with tailored recommendations for each area, prioritized to help you tackle the most critical gaps first. This report is an excellent first step in upgrading your organization’s cybersecurity posture.

Click here to take the assessment and get started.

Ntirety is the leader in comprehensive managed services, partnering with organizations to modernize and secure today’s complex IT environment. Ntirety’s solutions span cloud infrastructure, cybersecurity, data, and compliance, connecting mission-critical data across highly secure, available, and resilient environments.

If you’re looking to take the next steps in understanding and implementing the NIST CSF for your organization, the experts at Ntirety can help. Request a consultation to get started.

The CrowdStrike Impact and the Ntirety Response

By Steven Spence, SVP Customer Operations, Ntirety

Businesses around the globe experienced major disruptions to their IT stacks on July 19, 2024 due to a CrowdStrike update. Ntirety would like to take a moment to inform customers how we approached this challenge on their behalf.

The Cause of the Outage

According to CrowdStrike, the outage was caused by a defect found in a Falcon content update for Windows hosts. Ultimately, this was caused by a bug in their validation software and a process error with their Rapid Response Content release testing. CrowdStrike has pledged to improve in both of these areas.

While we’ve all experienced impact from issues around people, process, or hardware failures, for managed services providers like Ntirety, ensuring the security and stability of customers’ IT environments is the top priority. The cause of the recent global disruption highlights one of the challenges of protecting even the most secure IT systems.

The Ntirety Customer Experience

Fortunately, the CrowdStrike incident had no effect on the Ntirety Security Services technology stack and customers utilizing the full Ntirety Managed Security Services experienced no disruption in service.

The primary benefit to Ntirety customers during this event is that Ntirety is not just a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) but also an award-winning Managed Service Provider (MSP), managing not just security services, but also infrastructure. What this means is that customers are able to utilize their own tech stacks and, should that technology fail, Ntirety is there to provide support and recovery services. Some of our customers do utilize CrowdStrike applications within their environments. For these customers, Ntirety supported remediation efforts as they became available.

Ntirety Support Engineers worked with our customers to remediate the impact during this outage. For those customers who rely on Ntirety’s Monitoring Insights platform, Ntirety notified affected customers as applications became unresponsive, even as remediations were simultaneously occurring based on runbooks designed in conjunction with these customers. Conference bridges were available where necessary, and engineers worked around the clock until all customers impacted were back online and running fully.

As a customer, when an incident of this magnitude occurs, it’s understandable to ask yourself, “What could I have done differently to avoid being impacted?”

The CrowdStrike defect was not caused by a cyber incident or a product quality issue. It was related to a process issue that CrowdStrike is taking steps to remediate. Responsible technology suppliers take quality control issues very seriously, and issues like the recent outage are extremely rare.

The Ntirety Commitment to Customers

As a Services company entrusted with critical systems and data, we at Ntirety deeply value our customers and are invested in their continued success. We state our commitment via a Customer Pledge that we take very seriously:

  • Put Customers and Partners first. Always.
  • Deliver peace of mind continually and rapid resolution, if necessary.
  • Invest in world-class systems and people.
  • Innovate with performance and value in mind.
  • Be transparent.

Here is how we put these commitments into practice.

Comprehensive Security Services
Our comprehensive suite of managed security services is designed to ensure your systems always remain secure and operational.

Rapid Response
When disruptions occur, the Ntirety team addresses issues immediately, minimizing downtime and maintaining business continuity.

Proactive Management
Our 24x7x365 Security Operations Center (SOC) constantly monitors for potential threats, quickly identifying and resolving issues to prevent disruptions.

Unmatched Expertise
Our cybersecurity experts bring deep knowledge and experience, providing the highest levels of service.

In today’s interconnected world, having a trusted and responsive Managed Service Provider (MSP) is not just a competitive advantage—it’s a necessity. With Ntirety, you can rest assured that your system and security needs are in capable hands, empowering you to focus on what you do best: running your business.

To learn more about Ntirety Managed Services, schedule a consultation.

The Evolving Role Of Cybersecurity Operations In A Rapidly Changing World

Today’s evolving cyber threat landscape poses a significant challenge to organizations around the world. With the emergence of nefarious AI-powered threats and state-sponsored entities, the security industry finds itself at a crossroads. From sophisticated cyberattacks to internal vulnerabilities, threat complexity is escalating and creating pervasive and multifaceted risks. This environment requires innovative solutions, prompting a shift in traditional security paradigms towards a more integrated, data-driven approach.

Security Silos No More

The days of siloed security operations are behind us. Cybersecurity is now a critical conversation occurring at the highest levels of business and being intricately woven into every facet of operations. Amidst this paradigm shift terminology has evolved, moving from ‘security’ to ‘risk and resilience.’ The emerging lexicon underscores the strategic role comprehensive security must play in safeguarding an organization’s bottom line.

As this transformation in business security gains momentum and efficacy, it indicates a positive evolution in security practices. It also emphasizes the necessity for security professionals to possess a keen understanding of business dynamics. Security strategies now demand a holistic view that spans the entire organization and IT infrastructure, to not only protect against threats but enhance business activities and demonstrate tangible value from investments in security technologies and solutions.

Navigating Internal and External Threats with Agility

The current security landscape is exceedingly complex. Organizations must contend with external hackers and internal employees who misuse resources (consciously or unconsciously) or engage in nefarious activities. The adoption of zero-trust models and emphasis on identity threat management in the face of these risks exemplifies a shift towards more sophisticated, data-driven security practices. These approaches not only defend against known threats, but also anticipate and mitigate potential vulnerabilities from within.

Security operations have pivoted as a result, and are embracing business intelligence tools and data to shape priorities, strategy, and decision-making. This shift away from traditional methods reflects the growing sophistication of enterprise security leaders, and their adeptness at translating data into actionable insights.

Beyond Traditional Defenses: Embracing Comprehensive Security

Modern security has evolved from a peripheral concern to a central element of strategic business planning. The harsh reality is that companies can now face closure due to a security breach, as demonstrated by numerous unfortunate instances. This shift signifies a transition from conventional security protocols to a comprehensive security model that integrates every facet of organizational operations. This model surpasses mere defense against attacks; it aims to establish an ecosystem where security is deeply ingrained in the fabric of business processes. Through such integration, organizations enhance their ability to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from cyber threats.

The Elusive Cybersecurity Nirvana

Technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), have revolutionized security monitoring. These technologies enable organizations to detect and respond to threats more efficiently by analyzing vast amounts of data to identify patterns and predict potential security incidents. Comprehensive security encompasses a multifaceted approach that extends beyond these technological defenses to include policy, governance, and human factors. It blends business acumen with security expertise, integrating solutions into an interconnected system that supports business continuity and creates value.

Yet achieving this cybersecurity excellence, or “Nirvana,” can be challenging. Some organizations lack the staff or strategy needed for effective implementation. Partnering with external service providers can bridge these gaps, as partners can embed a cybersecurity culture across the entire IT stack, beyond just the outer defensive layers. While many vendors focus on point solutions, organizations should seek partners capable of managing the entire stack from data and infrastructure to embedding security and compliance throughout the organization.

Building a Resilient Future

In today’s cyber world, security operations are constantly in motion, and the need for a holistic, adaptive security strategy has never been more pressing. As organizations navigate the intricacies of the threat landscape, cybersecurity success will be defined by an emphasis on risk and resilience, alongside a proactive, data-driven approach. This integration of security monitoring services within a comprehensive security framework represents a pivotal shift in how organizations approach cyber defense. By seamlessly combining advanced monitoring capabilities, strategic planning, and a profound understanding of business operations, organizations can establish a resilient security posture. Such a posture not only safeguards against existing threats, but anticipates and mitigates future challenges.

To achieve success organizations must also embrace humility in acknowledging their limitations and seek assistance from comprehensive security providers. Avoiding the temptation of siloed point products, organizations should prioritize partnering with providers capable of managing the entire stack. This collaborative approach ensures a cohesive and robust defense against the dynamic landscape of cyber threats.

Looking for support in combating all the internal and external cyber threats your organization faces? Contact us to get started.


This article was originally published in Forbes.

Cyber Defense Tactics For The Healthcare Industry: Evolving Ahead Of The Threat

The relentless sophistication of cyber threats is rendering traditional cybersecurity measures increasingly inadequate. This was starkly illustrated by the massive Change Healthcare breach, which resulted in a staggering nearly billion dollars in remediation costs. Other recent high-profile cyberattacks on healthcare giants such as UnitedHealth, Walgreens, and CVS further highlight this reality. These breaches led to substantial financial and operational disruptions, including $14 billion in backlogged claims at UnitedHealth’s Change Healthcare and ransom payments exceeding $22 million—with additional payments expected as criminal gangs continue to exploit vulnerabilities. These incidents not only triggered federal investigations but are necessitating a critical reassessment of cybersecurity practices within the sector and beyond.

The Frontlines of Cyber Defense: Security Operations Centers (SOCs)

Security Operations Centers (SOCs) are at the forefront of the battle, playing an indispensable role in safeguarding data and protecting the reputations of organizations. These centers, whether in-house or external, serve as the nerve centers of cyber defense, providing continuous monitoring and rapid response capabilities through a blend of advanced technology, strategic planning, and skilled personnel. SOCs are an integral element of a comprehensive cybersecurity approach that includes both internal IT personnel and external managed and professional security service providers. This level of support is critical in navigating the challenges posed by sophisticated cybercriminals and ensuring the resilience of today’s digital infrastructures.

Proactive Threat Hunting: Bringing Threats to Light

At the heart of modern cyber defense is threat hunting. This proactive cybersecurity tactic involves actively seeking out and neutralizing potential threats before they result in breaches. Unlike traditional, reactive security measures, threat hunting requires a deep understanding of cybercriminal behavior in order to preemptively counteract attacks.

One critical emerging element in bolstering cybersecurity is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with human intelligence in threat hunting. AI’s ability to process massive datasets and identify anomalies complements the nuanced, strategic insights provided by human analysts. This synergy creates a dynamic defense mechanism capable of adapting to new tactics being employed by cybercriminals and helps establish the foundation of a robust cybersecurity framework.

This combination of AI and human expertise in threat hunting, bolstered by the strategic use of external security services, underscores the need for continuous evolution and reinforcement of cybersecurity protocols. This approach is crucial to protect sensitive information and maintain the integrity of healthcare services in the digital age.

The Importance of External Partnerships

While many organizations choose to tackle cybersecurity on their own, it is not always easy. Internal cybersecurity personnel are often overwhelmed, in the weeds, or lack the expertise necessary to inform proactive measures such as threat hunting and long-term strategic planning. It’s challenging to shore up defenses in the midst of a battle, and now is the time to address vulnerabilities in your cybersecurity plans, before a disaster even bigger than Change Healthcare hack strikes. Leveraging partners can help eliminate gaps and overlaps and enable you to focus on long-term strategic objectives.

The rapidly evolving threat landscape underscores the urgent need for the healthcare sector—and all industries—to enhance their cybersecurity frameworks. Integrating external expertise, particularly in threat hunting and AI, is crucial for safeguarding against the next generation of cyber threats. This is a call to action for a shift from compliance-based security postures to a more robust, proactive approach to cyber defense.

Looking Ahead: Adapting to the Evolving Digital Landscape

Recent cyberattacks in the healthcare industry highlight the inadequacies of traditional, reactive cybersecurity measures and underscore the importance of proactive strategies. By employing a blend of AI’s analytical capabilities with the nuanced understanding of human experts, we can not only identify but neutralize threats before they strike.

As the digital landscape evolves, so must the strategies employed to protect sensitive information and infrastructure. By staying ahead of threats and enhancing organizational resilience through partnerships with specialized external service providers, it’s possible to effectively navigate the realities of today’s—and tomorrow’s—cyber challenges.

Looking to fortify your healthcare-related organization against the latest cyberthreats? Send us a request to get started.


This article was originally published in Forbes.

3 Million Hacked Hotel Keycards – What Could Go Wrong?

The current trajectory of technological advancement points towards a world where everyday objects are increasingly digitized and connected to the cloud, under the guise of immense convenience. From adjusting your fridge temperature with a simple tap to setting your television to your favorite show before you arrive home with your phone, this future is alluring.

However, amidst these conveniences lies a flip side – security concerns. There’s something inherently problematic about this tech-savvy future, especially when it comes to security. Engineers, developers, and designers often fail to prioritize security from the outset, and accountability is lacking. The recent headline-making incident involving the compromise of Saflok’s hotel lock system, potentially exposing three million hotel room locks, for example, clearly highlights this issue.

Vulnerabilities in Hotel Lock Systems

Following the audacious MGM hack last year by the infamous “Star Fraud” gang, which caused a staggering $30 million in potential loss, the hospitality industry finds itself again grappling with security concerns. The recent breach of Saflok’s hotel lock system left as many as 3 million hotel locks susceptible to unauthorized access within seconds, impacting numerous hospitality chains that rely on this system. This sophisticated yet relatively simple hack involved exploiting RFID and encryption mechanisms using a spare keycard.

Fortunately, ethical security researchers unearthed this vulnerability. In doing so, they illuminated weaknesses in both Dormakaba’s encryption and the underlying RFID system they employ, known as MIFARE Classic. Through exploitation of these vulnerabilities, the hackers demonstrated the alarming ease and speed with which Saflok keycard locks can be bypassed. Their method entails acquiring any keycard from a target hotel—whether by booking a room or obtaining a used keycard—then extracting a specific code from that card using a $300 RFID read-write device. Subsequently, they craft two new keycards of their own which, when tapped on a lock, alter a specific piece of the lock’s data then enable the second card to open it.

The full extent of vulnerabilities in unnecessarily web-connected devices remains uncertain. Furthermore, the widespread awareness of how easily these lock systems, among others, can be compromised raises significant concerns. While we remain hopeful that life and property will stay secure until these lock vulnerabilities are addressed, the reality is that resolving interconnected device issues will demand heightened awareness, time, and extensive manual intervention. It’s imperative that swift action is taken to fortify the security of these systems to protect the safety and privacy of guests. They also serve as a warning for other, similar vulnerabilities that exist.

Pitfalls of Over-Digitalization and Neglecting Security

The hotel keycard situation highlights significant concerns related to the rampant over-digitalization present in today’s world, coupled with an excessive reliance on convenience. The escalating dependence on digital security measures, exemplified by keyless entry systems for cars and smart locks for homes, presents a formidable security threat. We find ourselves in a troubling pattern of prioritizing convenience at the expense of security. This trend is exacerbated by the lack of tangible consequences for product designers failing to incorporate security, and the tendency towards abundance often present in many first-world countries.

In the era dominated by physical keys, a perceived sense of security prevailed. Typically only one available copy of a key existed, and duplication required physical access. However, the evolution toward digital keys introduces new vulnerabilities. The prevalence of vehicle thefts, facilitated by the remote copying of entry systems without any physical interaction, underscores this vulnerability. Likewise, the proliferation of vehicle apps enabling remote tracking and control poses significant security risks. The crucial question arises: do the conveniences offered by digital systems outweigh the associated risks? It’s a pressing dilemma demanding our attention, as we continually navigate the trade-off between convenience and security.

A Key With Significant Impact

The Saflok hotel lock exposure and its lessons should not be downplayed; its ramifications are vast, affecting individuals, businesses, and the broader tech industry:

  • Hotels rely on guest trust to maintain their reputation and business
  • Guests expect safety, which is why locks are installed in the first place
  • Hotels may face lawsuits from affected guests or be compelled to implement costly security upgrades

The exposure also has significant implications for manufacturers of digital lock systems, challenging the reliability and security of their products and potentially leading to a loss of customer trust, reduced sales, and the need for substantial security enhancements.

Reevaluating Security in Digital Technologies

For the security community, this incident should serve as a clarion call, ringing loud and clear to highlight the inherent vulnerabilities in digital systems. Such occurrences instill a healthy dose of skepticism regarding the security of digital systems, spanning from smart home devices to critical infrastructure. It’s a stark reminder that even seemingly minor conveniences can pave the way for significant security vulnerabilities and hackers.

As we march forward, the primary aim of new technologies must be to ensure that convenience never comes at the expense of security and privacy. It’s imperative we embark on a thorough reevaluation of how security is integrated into digital technologies, even if it entails refraining from digitization altogether. The time has come to halt unsafe technological practices and forge a future where innovation and security are synonymous. Only then can we truly harness the potential of digital advancements while safeguarding the integrity of our systems and the privacy of our data.

Looking for support in securing your systems and data? Send us a request to get started.


This article was originally published in Forbes.

A Season Of Health Breaches, A Season Of Changes

As spring ushers in a season of transformation, the healthcare sector finds itself at a crossroads, compelled to evolve rapidly in response to a series of recent, high-profile cyberattacks. One of the most significant incidents is the hack of Change Healthcare, a pivotal player in the U.S. healthcare system and a subsidiary of UnitedHealth. This organization, responsible for processing insurance and billing for hundreds of thousands of hospitals, pharmacies, and medical practices, holds sensitive health information on nearly half of all Americans. The breach profoundly impacted major entities like UnitedHealth, Walgreens, and CVS, carrying hefty financial repercussions and deeply affecting patient health. This incident underlines the critical need for systemic enhancements in cybersecurity and urgent reforms to safeguard sensitive data across the industry.

“Change” Was Changed

Following a cyberattack on February 21, UnitedHealth’s Change Healthcare continues to process over $14 billion of backlogged claims. UnitedHealth Group announced expectations for major clearinghouses to resume operations after a month-long effort to recover services that were disrupted nationwide, prompting a federal investigation. While critical services at Change Healthcare have been restored, UnitedHealth is cooperating with a HIPAA compliance investigation initiated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Addressing these issues will occupy Change Healthcare for the foreseeable future.

The outage, caused by a cyberattack from the ransomware gang known as ‘Blackcat,’ disrupted prescription deliveries and affected pharmacies across the country for multiple days. The breach continues to be investigated. Despite a recent crackdown on Blackcat, which included seizing its websites and decrypting keys, the hacker gang struck major businesses prior to this event and continues to threaten retaliation against critical infrastructure and hospitals in its wake.

A Sophisticated One-Two Punch

The health tech giant reportedly paid $22 million to ALPHV in March. Shortly after, a new hacking group began publishing portions of the stolen data in an effort to extort a second ransom payment from the company. The new gang, which calls itself RansomHub, published several files on the dark web that contained personal information about patients across an array of documents, some of which included internal files. RansomHub has stated it would sell the stolen data unless Change Healthcare paid a second ransom.

These recent incidents carry significant financial burdens and deeply impact patient health, emphasizing the urgent need for systemic change to bolster cybersecurity measures across the healthcare sector.

Change Now or Pay [Even More] Later

As of mid-April, UnitedHealth reported that the ransomware attack has cost more than $870 million in losses. Importantly, this is not the first—or only—time an organization has found itself exposed to such vulnerabilities. The recurring nature of these breaches underscores the urgent need for a paradigm shift in how the healthcare industry approaches cybersecurity. It’s not just about patching vulnerabilities as they arise, but fundamentally rethinking and fortifying digital defenses to withstand the relentless onslaught of cyber threats in today’s world. The cost of preventing such an attack could have been a small fraction of the $870 million paid in remediation costs.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

At the heart of the matter lies a complex web of security vulnerabilities. While healthcare organizations typically invest significant resources in securing their digital infrastructure, the recent breach underscores the sobering reality that even the most robust defenses can be compromised through misguided and parochial mindsets. Since the breach, it’s been revealed that only half of systems were adequately secured and patched, leaving a glaring gap that cybercriminals exploited with devastating consequences. This situation should serve as a catalyst for transformative change in the culture of Healthcare IT, prompting a reevaluation of existing security protocols and increased fortification of defenses through partnerships with capable service organizations.

These breaches, still unfolding, serve as a stark reminder of the constant vigilance required to protect against malicious cyberattacks in an industry where the stakes are exceptionally high, measured in human lives and the confidentiality of sensitive medical information. It is critical that the approach to cybersecurity strategies and implementations extends beyond traditional ROI calculations and reliance on already overstretched internal IT teams.

Check Box Compliance

When examining the breach, a crucial aspect to look at is the period of technological transition that at least one of the impacted organizations was navigating when the incidents occurred. Technology inherently evolves, yet it was during a pivotal moment of updating systems that the attackers found and exploited vulnerabilities. This situation starkly highlights the sophistication of cybercriminals in pinpointing and exploiting periods of vulnerability, reminding us of their relentless watchfulness for opportunities to infiltrate systems amidst organizational changes.

Moreover, this breach raises pertinent questions about the efficacy of regulatory compliance frameworks. These situations are heaped with compliance, however being compliant with industry regulations regarding the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) health data clearly does not prevent incidents from occurring.

Healthcare Cybersecurity: A Call to Action

As we continue to navigate the relentless tide of cyber threats, the healthcare industry must confront the new realities of digital warfare that endanger countless lives and sensitive data. This challenge transcends the need for incremental changes; it calls for a revolutionary overhaul of our cybersecurity frameworks, strategies, and ROI models.

The recent breaches are a stark wake-up call, emphasizing the necessity for proactive and comprehensive security that anticipates threats before they emerge. It is crucial for healthcare leaders to prioritize investments in advanced security technologies and to cultivate a culture of collaboration by partnering with expert security service providers. These partnerships can integrate cyber resilience into the fabric of healthcare delivery. The cost of inaction is unacceptably high, not only in terms of financial losses but also in the erosion of patient trust, privacy, and wellbeing. Let us commit to safeguarding our future with every resource available, making security synonymous with healthcare itself.

Need to reevaluate your existing security protocols? Want to implement a more comprehensive and proactive approach? Contact us to get started.


This article was originally published in Forbes, please follow me on LinkedIn.

Election 2024: Championing Proactive Cybersecurity To Fortify National Security

The 2024 election presents a pivotal moment for national security, particularly through the lens of cybersecurity. Amid widespread discussion on the perceived shortcomings of United States presidential candidates, a policy domain with the potential for broad consensus emerges: cybersecurity. This issue transcends political divisions, posing a universal challenge to advocates of peace and democracy across the political spectrum. It offers a unique opportunity not only to unite with allies, but to extend olive branches to global adversaries through cooperative efforts.

As we explore our national priorities and hopes for the future, the forthcoming election brings the significance of cybersecurity policies to the forefront. It demands that candidates clarify their positions on adopting proactive cybersecurity measures. Cybersecurity is not only central to national security dialogues, but increasingly impacting our day to day activities, requiring we delve into the specific policies, practices, and technological innovations that define an advanced cybersecurity strategy. This strategy is crucial not just for presidential hopefuls, but for gubernatorial, mayoral, and congressional candidates. Related discussions should underscore the critical need to employ technology and foster policy-led partnerships to develop a robust digital infrastructure, which is proactive, resilient, and ready to tackle the cybersecurity challenges of tomorrow.

Advocating for Proactive Cybersecurity Measures

Advocating for proactive cybersecurity measures is pivotal, as is emphasizing prevention over reaction. This approach entails several critical policies and technologies, which candidates can champion in their platforms:

  • Comprehensive Risk Assessments: Regular, in-depth evaluations of government and critical infrastructure networks are essential to uncover vulnerabilities and anticipate threats.
  • Early Adoption of Emerging Technologies: Commitment to the latest advancements, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), is crucial for predictive threat analysis, anomaly detection, and orchestrating automated responses.
  • Strengthening Cyber Hygiene: Advocating for stringent cyber hygiene practices across both government entities and the private sector is vital. This means ensuring regular software updates, implementing strong password policies, and conducting thorough employee training programs.

The value of AI and ML in supporting the shift from reactive to proactive cybersecurity cannot be overstated. By integrating these technologies into national cybersecurity strategies, candidates can support key activities:

  • Automated Threat Intelligence: Leveraging AI to sift through global threat data enables the anticipation and neutralization of cyberattacks with real-time defense mechanisms.
  • Behavioral Analytics: Utilizing ML to scrutinize network behavior allows for the identification of anomalies that could signal potential threats, facilitating early intervention.
  • Enhanced Incident Response: AI enhances the development of rapid and more effective response strategies, significantly mitigating the repercussions of any breaches.

Safeguarding Porous Cyber Borders

Protecting against the permeability of cyber borders necessitates a multifaceted approach that combines technology with human insight. This approach is underpinned by a commitment to a robust security culture that acknowledges our collective responsibility in upholding high security standards through:

  • Education and Awareness Programs: Enhancing cybersecurity knowledge at all levels of education and providing continuous training for both government personnel and the general populace.
  • Encouraging Responsible Innovation: Promoting the integration of ethical considerations and security measures in the development of new technologies and digital services.

Despite the internet’s borderless nature, the definition and protection of cyber borders are imperative. Candidates should advocate for international collaboration and frameworks that extend cybersecurity efforts beyond national boundaries, including:

  • Global Cybersecurity Alliances: Strengthening alliances with global partners to facilitate the exchange of threat intelligence, share best practices, and orchestrate coordinated responses to cyber incidents. This initiative should also consider building cybersecurity partnerships with political adversaries, potentially as a cornerstone of future trade agreements.
  • Regulatory and Legal Frameworks: Developing comprehensive laws and international agreements aimed at bolstering cross-border cooperation in cybersecurity operations and the prosecution of cybercrime.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Encouraging a synergistic relationship between government agencies and the technology sector, leveraging the latter’s innovative capabilities and responsiveness to effectively address cybersecurity challenges.

Prioritizing Cybersecurity to Secure our Digital Future: A Call to Action for Candidates

As we approach the 2024 election, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. The outlined strategies and policies represent a blueprint for national resilience in the face of digital threats to our banking sector, our health care sector, and even our emerging electrical vehicle sector.

This is a call to action for the top presidential candidates to prioritize and articulate robust cybersecurity platforms. By choosing a proactive cybersecurity approach, emphasizing comprehensive risk assessments, leveraging AI and ML technologies, promoting global cooperation, and fostering a culture of security, candidates can demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding our nation’s digital infrastructure.

This commitment will not only enhance national security, but provide voters with a clear basis to assess which candidate is best equipped to navigate the complexities of our modern cyber landscape. It’s imperative for leading figures to embrace these principles, showing preparedness to lead and protect, as so many of our future innovations are at stake. As voters, we must demand dedication to cybersecurity from our future leaders, recognizing that the safety of our digital future hangs in the balance.

Need to better prioritize cybersecurity within your organization? Contact us to get started.


This article was originally published on Forbes, please follow me on LinkedIn.

The Critical Role Of Cybersecurity In Election Years

As election season heats up, we are navigating through a multitude of issues within our deeply divided society. While politicians often campaign on platforms shaped by fear or designed to appeal to special interest voting blocs, we rarely see politics directly intertwined with cybersecurity. Yet, in election years—especially this one—the topic of cybersecurity assumes unprecedented importance. The hacking and distribution of Hillary Clinton’s private emails in 2016 on her campaign, for example, is an event with significant impact that cannot be ignored, and arguably cost her the election. Past occurrences like this underscore the importance of not only focusing on candidates’ visions for the future, but also examining their cybersecurity campaign readiness and policy frameworks.

Digital threats pose a substantial risk to national security. Consequently, the electorate should demand clarity on how prospective leaders intend to navigate the intricate landscape of cyber threats. Will their strategies be reactive, addressing threats as they emerge, or proactive, anticipating challenges and reinforcing defenses in advance? The management of campaign IT assets should also be under scrutiny, especially from donors and lobbying groups with deep pockets. This distinction is pivotal, as the integrity of our democratic processes and protection of our digital borders hang in the balance.

The Imperative for Candidate Clarity on Cybersecurity

In our overwhelmingly digital age, a candidate’s position on cybersecurity should be deemed as crucial as their policies on the economy, health, and defense. Voters and technologists alike seek candidates who can articulate clear, comprehensive cybersecurity strategies that transcend mere rhetoric.

The complexity and constantly evolving nature of cyber threats necessitate the involvement of experts. This means technologists, cybersecurity professionals, and AI specialists must play a pivotal role in campaigns and help shape policies that are both realistic and forward-thinking. As candidates formulate their cybersecurity agendas, integrating input from these experts—who may also be their constituents—can offer invaluable insights into the latest cyber threat trends, effective defense technologies, and implications of emerging technologies on national security.

Want to learn more about cybersecurity, and how Ntirety can fortify your organization? Contact us to get started.


Is Cybersecurity The Achilles’ Heel Of The Electric Vehicle Revolution?

The electric vehicle (EV) sector, though nascent and in its formative years, faces numerous challenges. Recent concerns, such as “range anxiety” (a vehicle battery’s charge and ability to complete a planned journey) among consumers and incidents of vehicles losing power in cold temperatures, have contributed to a slowdown in adoption. While the trajectory of electric vehicle integration into our lives remains uncertain, one critical issue demands attention but does not get a lot of press: cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

The cybersecurity aspect of technology-enabled objects, often overlooked beyond the speculative realms of dystopian narratives like the apocalyptic film “Leave The World Behind,” poses a significant threat to the industry’s future. Addressing cybersecurity is not just about safeguarding digital infrastructure, but ensuring the foundational trust and reliability essential for the EV revolution. This underscores a broader principle that systems, EV or otherwise, must be designed with security as a core consideration. Integrating robust cybersecurity measures from the outset is vital to protecting both the technology itself and the users who depend on it, and in establishing a secure and resilient foundation for the future of mobility.

Unseen Dangers: Electric Vehicle Cyber Threats

As electric vehicles rise in popularity hackers lie in wait, eager to exploit the burgeoning network of digital connections EVs depend on. As these vehicles become increasingly interconnected and reliant on digital technologies they offer more points of entry for malicious activities, a reality that highlights the critical need for cybersecurity diligence given lives and safety are at stake. The following threats to EVs highlight pressing cyber challenges:

  • Signal Interception: Hackers have the capability to intercept wireless fob signals, fooling a vehicle into thinking the fob is nearby and granting unauthorized access.
  • Introduction of Malicious Software: Vulnerable charging stations can become conduits for hackers to install harmful software, compromising vehicle safety and functionality.
  • Exposure of Security Vulnerabilities: Security reviews often expose significant gaps in charging equipment, including the leakage of sensitive information like usernames, passwords, and credentials.
  • Risk of Malware: Publicly available Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) is susceptible to malware attacks, threatening the integrity of crucial charging infrastructure.
  • Threats to Grid-Connected EVSE: Cyberattacks on grid-connected EVSEs pose a risk of causing widespread disruptions in the electric distribution system, affecting countless users.

A Systemic Vulnerability

The EV ecosystem, which incorporates technologies such as wireless, cloud, and healthtech, represents a comprehensive network inherently vulnerable to cyber threats. This convergence of technology not only advances the capabilities and convenience of EVs, but also introduces a range of challenges. The decentralized, distributed, and interconnected nature of EV digital systems calls for an increased vigilance and proactive approach to cybersecurity. Ensuring the security of EV infrastructure is a matter of public safety, and essential for protecting the lives of vehicle owners and the broader community.

The Underbelly: Integrated Yet Vulnerable

Electric vehicles signify more than a shift in energy sources; they embody a profound transformation towards a technologically rich, digitally integrated automotive landscape. Consider the example of a standard Tesla, brimming with computational might and boasting an extensive network of digital processing modules that orchestrate everything from vehicle operations to driver experience.

Despite being a technological marvel, it comes with its share of vulnerabilities. The spectrum of risks ranges from hacking attempts that could compromise vehicle functionality to sophisticated attacks targeting operational technologies to breaches that threaten data privacy. The criticality of cybersecurity in the evolution of EV adoption is unmistakable. Securing the EV infrastructure and its intricate supply chain is paramount to mitigating potential exploits from cyberattacks. Adherence to rigorous cybersecurity protocols and industry-wide standards is indispensable for ensuring seamless and secure integration of EVs into our daily transportation framework, and for safeguarding the future of mobility against emerging cyber threats.

Navigating the Complexities of a Digital Automotive Landscape

Although consumers often overlook the complexities behind the products they regularly use, this luxury is not afforded to manufacturers — especially within the EV industry. The sector is distinguished by its global, intricate supply chains, deeply dependent on electronic components, many of which are sourced from a select few suppliers in Southeast Asia. Reliance on such a concentrated supplier base introduces a layer of vulnerability that can be further exacerbated by the region’s political climate.

The potential for a single failure point within this supply chain to precipitate widespread disruption cannot be understated. For instance, the recent withdrawal of autonomous Cruise vehicles from San Francisco and Austin highlights the tangible risks associated with software glitches in advanced automotive technologies. Cruise, a San Francisco-based self-driving car company and a subsidiary of General Motors (GM), faced severe repercussions when programming issues led to an incident involving a pedestrian. Such incidents vividly illustrate the critical need for robust software integrity in the evolving automotive landscape.

Imagine the ripple effects of a prolonged disruption at a semiconductor plant on multiple industries, or the impact of a parts shortage at EV charging stations. More critically, consider how cybersecurity breaches or operational shutdowns in any sector of the industry could jeopardize not just the mechanics of vehicle operation but also the privacy or even physical safety of its users.

Beyond safeguarding operational integrity, cybersecurity measures are fundamental to maintaining vehicle upkeep, ensuring the safety of production processes, protecting driver safety, securing user privacy, and preserving the interconnected fabric of the entire industry. The growth of the EV market hinges on adopting a proactive approach to cyber challenges and necessitates an industry-wide commitment to robust security practices.

Securing Trust in the Electric Vehicle Ecosystem

Consumer trust is pivotal for the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). The discerning public is quick to identify and react to any perceived shortcomings or risks that could affect their safety, privacy, or the reliability of their transportation solutions. Consumers must feel confident in the safety of vehicles, assured their personal information is protected, and comfortable the dependability of charging infrastructure free from fraud and operational risks.

To foster such confidence, the EV industry must adhere to stringent security standards and commit to a culture of comprehensive security practices. Awareness of vehicle availability, access to parts, and reliable maintenance services also play a significant role in building this trust. By implementing robust cyber risk management strategies, adhering to strong security principles, embracing continuous improvement, and maintaining constant vigilance, companies within the EV sector can navigate the complexities of this rapidly evolving marketplace. This approach prepares them to face security challenges and positions them at the forefront of the industry, ready to lead in what promises to be a transformative era in transportation.

Wondering what security threats or vulnerabilities your organization could be facing? Contact us to learn more about the best way to mitigate threats and implement proactive security you can trust.


This article was originally published in Forbes, please follow me on LinkedIn.

Beyond Fiction: ‘Leave The World Behind’ And The Urgent Call For Cybersecurity Vigilance

In late 2023, a fascinating film titled ‘Leave the World Behind’ emerged on Netflix, creating considerable buzz with its cybersecurity-related themes. The film boasts major stars such as Julia Roberts, Mahershala Ali, and Kevin Bacon. Former U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama served as executive producers of the film, which was based upon a novel Obama included on his 2021 summer reading list.

Mainstream films often reflect our society and the issues we face, a topic I’ve explored with a past post on cyber movie favorites. One of the standout aspects of this latest film is its technology-themed transitions from paranoia and Big Brother scenarios to cyber fantasy and cyberattack plotlines. Paranoia, uncertainty, and isolation form the core of this movie, but it all begins with a debilitating, existential cyberattack on the US. In today’s cyber age where we frequently hear about cyber failures and incidents, this fictional attack represents a total impact event that exposes interdependent fragilities that may not have a foundation in reality.

A “What If?” Scenario

Those expecting precise depictions of cybersecurity events may find themselves underwhelmed by the film’s superficial treatment of technical details, and enthusiasts eager for even a rudimentary understanding of the technology involved might feel the film falls short. It’s important to recognize, though, that the general populace, often the victims of significant cyber incidents, typically do not delve into the complexities behind these attacks.

The movie prompts us to consider a range of ‘what if’ and ‘is that realistic?’ questions. A theme previously broached is the potential for a cyberattack to escalate into an actual kinetic conflict. The narrative explores this scenario, depicting a multinational cyber onslaught against the US, a nod to the nation’s intricate and sometimes contentious international engagements. While state-sponsored cyber activities aimed at financial gain, leverage, and strategic advantage are rampant, full-scale existential digital attacks as the film suggests are simply overstated. The global interdependence of economies, investment flows, supply chains, and the looming threat of significant US retaliation make such an all-out digital assault less likely.

Stirring the Pot of Paranoia

The film utilizes paranoia as a crucial element of its emotional allure, underscoring the critical importance of security across all aspects of our lives, from essential utilities to the digital realms we frequent. Echoing the insights from the Colonial Pipeline attack, it highlights how the infrastructure of power stations and water facilities is meticulously designed to deter unauthorized access, along with the rigorous protocols in place at core facilities aimed at thwarting actions that could have a profound impact on society.

‘Leave the World Behind’ serves as a broad appeal, what if scenario that reignites our collective memory of the nuclear age’s fascination with potential apocalyptic events. This movie sidesteps logistical and technical specifics, diving straight into societal fears and reflections on technology. While it may not be a landmark cybersecurity film, it provides a decent measure of entertainment through painting a picture of a hypothetical disaster. In reality security is multifaceted, covering everything from human factors and identity protection to redundancy strategies and political measures. Comprehensive security was a missing factor from this film, and for good reason; without it, it was possible to build the unimaginable scenario depicted.

A Poignant Reminder for Comprehensive Security

‘Leave the World Behind’ not only serves as a thrilling exploration of societal collapse in the face of a catastrophic cyberattack, but also a poignant reminder of the vulnerabilities that pervade our interconnected digital world. While the film delves into the realm of the speculative and pushes the boundaries of what might be technically plausible, it inadvertently underscores the critical necessity for robust, comprehensive cybersecurity measures. The scenarios depicted, though dramatized, highlight the potential consequences of neglecting cybersecurity and in doing so make a compelling case for the importance of concerted efforts to strengthen our defenses against cyber threats. Although an attack of the magnitude portrayed in the movie is unlikely, the underlying message is clear: the need for vigilance, innovation, and collaboration in cybersecurity is more pressing than ever to safeguard our society.

This article was originally published in Forbes, please follow me on LinkedIn.