
Remember and Honor – A Memorial Day Message from Ntirety CEO

Remember and Honor – A Memorial Day Message from Ntirety CEO Emil Sayegh

Memorial Day is held high as a holiday in the US, showing respect to the ones who did not come home from service and those who have given their lives during military service to our country.

Since 1900, more than 35 million men and women have served and more than half a million of them gave their lives in the cause of freedom, liberty, and justice. While the arguments for and against past conflict and military intervention justifiably persist, the need to defend our freedoms will continue in order to keep the flame of this great American Experiment burning bright for many generations to come. Our Declaration of Independence has been copied by emerging nations around the globe, with its themes adopted by freedom-loving people in faraway places.

On this Memorial Day weekend, Ntirety remembers the brave who lost their lives defending our ideals. Current, former, and fallen members of America’s military deserve our continued thanks and gratitude, today and every day. These heroes among us have stepped up to answer the call of duty in the face of great danger, many of them serving in conflict zones.

To those of you who have family and friends who are veterans that have lost their lives defending this great land, I am deeply grateful. To those of you who have served and have family members who serve or have served in our armed forces, thank you from the depth of our heart.

I wish you all a blessed and safe Memorial Day weekend.