The History of HTTP (HTTP/0.9)
The bedrock for data communication on the World Wide Web, a term that’s still valid yet rarely used today, is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTP is an Application Layer (OSI layer 7) protocol in the internet protocol suite. First released in 1991, the original version, HTTP, is now referred to as HTTP/0.9.
Although crude by today’s standards, HTTP was effective enough to launch what would become a revolution in human communication. HTTP/0.9 was written as a plain document under 700 words and had one simple job, or in World Wide Web vernacular, one method: GET. Simply stated, the protocol could only request an HTML document:
GET /htmlpage.html
General responses were extremely simple as well:
An old and simple html page.
It’s interesting to note that in these GET parameters, there is no indication of a server IP address or protocol port. In 1991, this information was simply not needed once connected to the server; there were no headers to convey session metadata and there were no status codes or error codes.
HTTP Today: The HTTP/2 Flaw
Fast forward to today, four iterations later, where the standard is now HTTP/2. HTTP/2 was released in 2015 and offers major advancements, making it more efficient and responsive to the demands of today’s web. While it’s a notable improvement over previous versions, as with many things, along with the good comes some bad. HTTP/2 has a flaw which provides malicious actors a simple method to create a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack against any web server, in an attempt to render network resources unavailable and disrupt operations.
DDoS attacks against web servers are certainly not new, however a recent DDoS attack method, known as “HTTP/2 Rapid Reset,” leverages a flaw in the implementation of the protocol. For official information on this flaw see CISA’s alert on CVE-2023-44487.
The flaw is nestled in the added ability for HTTP/2 to multiplex, which is a major advancement over HTTP/1.1. With multiplexing, HTTP/2 can initial multiple requests in parallel over a single TCP connection. The result means webpages containing several elements are now delivered over one TCP connection. It’s important to note that this flaw, by itself, does not lead to server or data compromise. It could, however, be used to divert attention while threat actors attack other areas in the target networks.
In Figure 1 below, the HTTP/1.1 attack shows the serial nature of the previous protocol version and the limitation it causes in being able to rapidly establish Requests and Responses. The HTTP/2 attack shows how the multiplexing feature of HTTP/2 allows for a parallel attack, consuming more resources on the web server as it works to produce Responses more quickly. Finally, the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset attack demonstrates how the pervious parallel attack can be amplified by continuously sending the web server a Request followed by a Reset, which allows for an infinite number of Requests to be in flight. Here the webserver will have to do significant amounts of work creating and canceling requests, such as allocating new stream data structures, parsing the query and doing header decompression, and mapping the URL to a resource, eventually consuming available server or network resources, whichever occurs first.

Figure 1 – Image Source:
With some simple Python code utilizing the hyper library, a threat actor can use multiple threads and repeatedly sends a series of HTTP/2 requests with headers and RST_STREAM frames to generate a high volume of traffic. How simple might this be? We’ll first create a ‘send_requests’ function that might look something like this:
def send_requests():
conn = hyper.http20.h2.H2Connection()
conn.connect(target_host, target_port)
for _ in range(num_requests):
headers = [
(‘:method’, ‘GET’),
(‘:scheme’, ‘https’),
(‘:authority’, target_host),
(‘:path’, ‘/path/to/ resource’),
conn.send_headers(1, headers)
conn.send_rst_stream(1, hyper.http20.errors.ErrorCodes.CANCEL)
From here, we only need to initiate the request in multiple threads to amplify the effect:
threads = []
for _ in range(10):
t = threading.Thread(target=send_h2_requests)
So, with under 20 lines of code, it’s possible to create something that can be used as a base to create a DDoS attack against a web server. *Please note that the code in the example above is not complete and cannot, and certainly should not, be used or referenced to perform any type of DDoS attack.
Mitigating Risks
While this flaw is known, vendors have been working to mitigate the risk. Organizations should also, as a rule, take proactive steps to mitigate risk and reduce the effects of DDoS attacks in general. This means organizations should have controls in place, including:
- Consistent application of patches to web servers/proxies
- Restricted internet access to web applications where possible
- Use of a Web Application Firewall (WAF) with rate limiting rules and geographic restrictions
Organizations can also consider migrating to a hardened Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider like Microsoft Azure App Service, a managed service with built-in infrastructure maintenance, security patching, and scaling.
Resource availability is critical in IT Security. Applications and data that are not readily available to authorized users can have a cascading effect on organizations, resulting in loss of productivity, loss of revenue, and loss of reputation. A DDoS attack like the threat described above can impact this availability. Organizations should – must – have a comprehensive security posture which allows them to protect their assets while actively monitoring and responding to alerts and incidents. If you want to create a comprehensive security program or bolster an existing program, the experts at Ntirety can help. Get started today by visiting us at