
The Critical Role Of Cybersecurity In Election Years

As election season heats up, we are navigating through a multitude of issues within our deeply divided society. While politicians often campaign on platforms shaped by fear or designed to appeal to special interest voting blocs, we rarely see politics directly intertwined with cybersecurity. Yet, in election years—especially this one—the topic of cybersecurity assumes unprecedented importance. The hacking and distribution of Hillary Clinton’s private emails in 2016 on her campaign, for example, is an event with significant impact that cannot be ignored, and arguably cost her the election. Past occurrences like this underscore the importance of not only focusing on candidates’ visions for the future, but also examining their cybersecurity campaign readiness and policy frameworks.

Digital threats pose a substantial risk to national security. Consequently, the electorate should demand clarity on how prospective leaders intend to navigate the intricate landscape of cyber threats. Will their strategies be reactive, addressing threats as they emerge, or proactive, anticipating challenges and reinforcing defenses in advance? The management of campaign IT assets should also be under scrutiny, especially from donors and lobbying groups with deep pockets. This distinction is pivotal, as the integrity of our democratic processes and protection of our digital borders hang in the balance.

The Imperative for Candidate Clarity on Cybersecurity

In our overwhelmingly digital age, a candidate’s position on cybersecurity should be deemed as crucial as their policies on the economy, health, and defense. Voters and technologists alike seek candidates who can articulate clear, comprehensive cybersecurity strategies that transcend mere rhetoric.

The complexity and constantly evolving nature of cyber threats necessitate the involvement of experts. This means technologists, cybersecurity professionals, and AI specialists must play a pivotal role in campaigns and help shape policies that are both realistic and forward-thinking. As candidates formulate their cybersecurity agendas, integrating input from these experts—who may also be their constituents—can offer invaluable insights into the latest cyber threat trends, effective defense technologies, and implications of emerging technologies on national security.

Want to learn more about cybersecurity, and how Ntirety can fortify your organization? Contact us to get started.